24 July 2011, in Quarters 2
In the persona of Pvt. Dogue of Fort Steilacoom,
Lawrence Bateman will recount his climb up Mt.
Rainier with Lt. August V. Kautz. Quarters 2 at 2
p.m. Donations accepted.
28 August 2011, on historic parade ground
Bring your favorite main dish, salad or dessert and
enjoy the fellowship and a tour of the displays in the
four museum buildings. Quarters 4 from 1:30 to 4 p.m.
17 September 2011, All buildings & parade ground
Fort Steilacoom will come alive as reenactors live
and work as soldiers, officers, their wives, children
and friends. Open to the public from 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. Donations accepted.
16 October 2011, in Quarters 2
Historic Fort Steilacoom Association will host its
Annual Meeting and election at 2 p.m. in
Quarters 2. After the short meeting, Ken Morgan, in
the persona of the fort commander, Col. Silas Casey,
will give insights about life at the fort and his
personal life. Donations accepted.
13 November, 2011, in Quarters 2
Alan Archambault will present an illustrated talk showing the
uniforms and weapons of soldiers who served at Fort Steilacoom.
Alan is a well-known military artist, historian, and author. Formerly
the curator of the Fort Lewis Military Museum and most recently
until his retirement the supervisory curator over fourteen Army museums.
Mr. Archambault's program will begin at 2 PM in Quarters 2. Donations
to help preserve the fort & continue its programs are accepted.
10 December 2011, All buildings, Tickets on sale at event in Qtrs 4
Reenactors will present a period candle-light Christmas
in the four remaining officers’ quarters. There will
also be children’s craft activities, and the gift shop
will be open for Christmas shopping. Tickets will be
available at the Fort Steilacoom Interpretive Center
in Quarters 4 during the event, 4 to 7:30 p.m. Adults
$5, children $3, family $10.